Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Note Taking at its Finest. Chaper 4- Listening in Human Communication

Chapter 4: Listening in Human Communication

Listening: the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages

-Listening: enables you to acquire knowledge of others, the world, and yourself.
-Relating: gain social acceptance and popularity.
-Influencing: can help you change attitudes and behaviors of others.
-Playing: can be enjoyable...maybe.
-Helping: vital in efforts to assist others.

The Listening Process:
Step 1: Receiving
Step 2: Understanding
Step 3: Remembering
Step 4: Evaluating
Step 5: Responding

Listening Barriers:
-Distractions: Physical and Mental
-Biases and Prejudices
-Lack of Appropriate Focus
-Premature Judgment

Styles of Effective Listening:
-Empathic and Objective Listening
-Nonjudgmental and Critical Listening
-Surface and Depth Listening
-Polite and Impolite Listening
-Active and Inactive Listening

Culture and Listening:
-Language and Speech
-Nonverbal Behaviors

Gender and Listening:
-Rapport and Report Talk
-Listening Cues
-Amount and Purposes of Listening

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