Monday, December 2, 2013

Example of Conversation Effectiveness

Hey Al, how are you? I feel like I never see you anymore! 

I am doing well. I just started track today and I think my legs are going to fall off but other than that things are going great! I know I feel like I never see you anymore either and it makes me sad. How are you?

I am tired out. I just started my new job at Dunham's. I had to work Thanksgiving night, Black Friday, and then Saturday and Sunday. I feel like I had absolutely no break at all. How was your break?

Wow that would suck! You sound super busy My break was good but I was ready to come back up here. I got a job at Buckle and I start that tomorrow. How do you like your new job?

You got the Buckle job?! That's awesome. Proud of you My job is okay. I really like the people I work with, but the job isn't all that great. I have to do the cash register a lot which can get boring when I have to be alone. I definitely don't mind the discounts though 

Yes I did! I'm excited and yes mainly for the discounts It's good that you like the people you work with though because it makes the job that much better. 

Yes it does. How is your course audit going? I am working on mine right now, just trying to figure out everything I am missing!

I have gotten a start on all of them, but I have 4 left to finish and it's all the long writing ones! I don't wanna do them! 

Me neither. I am feeling slightly overwhelmed with the audit, group project, and speech! Blahk. Are you excited for the Drake concert?? 

Yes same here. I haven't even started my final speech because all I can think about are those stupid blog assignments But yes I am so so excited for the Drake concert! It's gonna be amazing!

I am so jealous! Take pictures if you can! Does that mean you won't be at the volleyball party on Sunday...

I will be sure to take a ton of pictures! I'll be there for a little while but not for the whole time.

Oh good! I was worried I wasn't going to see your beautiful face. Well lady, I am going to finish up my homework, so I will see you tomorrow! xoxo

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