Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Rob Speaks Friday-Let's Prepare!

Here are some things that we can all do to prepare for our speeches! POW!
-Having water available supposedly makes you look more professional while speaking.
-Rob will also have mints so that he doesn't stink while talking to people after the speech.
-He will also have a tie on-to keep it classy
We will know it is just "Tom Foolery", but to the real world, it will appear confident.
-Have an outline
-It is acceptable to sit down during a speech if you are speaking for more than 10 minutes
-Scope out the room, and know who your audience is

SIDENOTE: Rob seriously contemplated wearing his clown nose. This isn't looking so good...

If we go to Rob's speech, we get 25 XP.
If we write a critical analysis about the speech on our blog, we get 50 XP.
At 3:40, get there at 3:30!

Rob likes to drink coffee before he speaks, because "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"-Rob because if you're nervous, you can at least be jacked up and ready! 

Realistically, if he brought his little baby Ruth with, he would have a lot more people at the speech.

It is okay to be nervous, and chances are you will probably forget all of the preparation steps that we have learned, but hopefully, you have enough knowledge to just wing it.

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