Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Life 2.0: Is This Real Life?!...No, no it's not.

First of all, I will begin by saying I am keeping an open mind about this whole virtual world thing, but in certain circumstances, you just want to reach through the screen and shake these people. I am having a hard time with understanding how these people can live their lives through Second Life, and go along with everything in it. How are people putting their lives on hold or completely altering them in order to satisfy their virtual life?? You have no idea who is behind that avatar; it could be a person of a different gender, age, or a completely different from what they have said to be. I understand a fun, friendly relationship with these aliens of whom you do not know, but to end marriages, to set up meetings is highly naive and risky! 

All I can think about is the Dateline program "How to Catch a Predator", with pedophiles seeking out young teenagers in chat rooms. The avatars may not be accurate, age is lied about, and those molesters have absolutely no idea that they are actually talking to undercover cops. This same concept is relevant in Second Life, you have no way of knowing who is behind that avatar, and it can be a rude awakening if you meet that person and they are not who you thought they were. 

From my perspective, Second Life deems itself more of a danger than a positive thing. Overall, it creeps me out, and that's that. 

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